Compliance with Oil and Gas laws is complicated….

There are a considerable number of environmental issues to evaluate in the production of oil and gas.[one_third first]


Oil and Gas Tank Batter in NW PA[/one_third][two_third]With a staff of state-licensed geologists and engineers, aw wells as environmental scientists and field technicians, Letterle has the people, resources and experience to help you meet your regulatory obligations.

We provide field and professional services based on expert knowledge of environmental laws and policies so our clients can make the best informed decisions.

Letterle can provide the following professional and field services to the natural gas industry:

  • Pre-drill surveys
  • Stray gas incident response, investigation & mitigation
  • Regulatory permitting
  • Water supply well sampling and reporting
  • Surface and groundwater sampling, monitoring and reporting
  • Surveying and CAD services
  • Incident/spill response, management, and remediation
  • SPCC, PPC, and other operational plans
  • Waste management and minimization
  • Aquifer testing[/two_third]